Oh yes. I was at the point of doing things sanding wise in the livingroom, was I not?
I realized, when I had torn things out, that I had some hidden cavities in my livingroom
that were not being used. I noticed three things:
1. My mailslot fed directly into the house. This welcomed in the cold air during the fallwinterspring we have here in Oregon. Not good.
2. In front of that was, effectively, a hidden closet. This could all be rearranged by moving the doorbell around the corner and now having deep shelving space for things such as books or to make displays!
3. On the other side of the front door was another empty space. Since I want to run ductwork upstairs in case I get a new furnace, this emerged as the most viable candidate.
Well, I'm certainly no finish carpenter by any means. I'm not even a half finish carpenter. I'm barely a start carpenter. So I called on my buddy Michael Mouton to build me some custom shelving for my newly found space. He made me two deep shelf units as well as a nice box for the door chime. The door chime was going to move around the corner. Of course, I labeled nothing and this would come back to bite me.
So, this was with the drywall done:
Corners finally done, I could prime and paint. Yay. This is after paint was laid down:
Still not sure if it passed the Kurtis Blow color taste test.
At least I had the shelves and had them installed. Insulation in and shelving in, it sure changed quite a bit of the look in the front room. I now had some good shelving for books, bric a brac and shoes. All painted and ready for a project that turned into more than I intended(drywalling off these edges to be flat):
More to come.
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